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Legislative Requirements for Cannabis Production

legislative requirements cannabis

By reviewing the legislation around the legal production, processing and sale of Cannabis, students will demonstrate competence in recognizing the essential requirements for compliance in this highly regulated and controlled crop and the associated products.

This badge includes the following microcredentials:

Introduction to Legislative Requirements for Cannabis Production

In this microcredential, students will describe the legislation that applies to the culture of a legally restricted crop and its end products.

Standard Operating Procedures

Throughout this microcredential, students will examine the attributes of standard operating procedure documents that determine processes and practices throughout Cannabis production and the production of high-quality end user products.

Document and Information Management

In this microcredential, students will review and describe the necessary elements in a document management information system/software in order to maintain compliance with government legislation.

Do you need more information?

A microcredential is a certification of assessed competencies that is additional, alternate, complementary to, or a component of a formal qualification.