The Studio has an inventory of professional, industry standard motion picture equipment available for rental. Please see below for our rental items and packages.
Note: The Studio at Olds College is pleased to offer rentals at a subsidized rate to independent productions, non-profit organizations and other non-commercial endeavors. Contact us today to see if you qualify for the subsidized rates!
Red Epic Helium 8K (EF Mount)
Sony FS5
Sony FS7
Sony A7S
Camera Packages Available
Basic RED Package includes:
RED EPIC Body w/ HELIUM 8K Brain (EF Mount)
RED Base Expander
Wooden Camera Easy Riser (Bottom Plate)
RED Mini-Mag Card Reader and USB-C cord
RED LCD Monitor
3 x RED VOLT 153W Batteries
1 x Battery Charger
AC Power for RED Camera
1 x 120GB Mini-Mag Card
1 x 240GB Mini-Mag Card
Loaded RED Package Includes:
Basic RED package
1 x 480 GB Mini-Mag Card
3 x RED VOLT 153W Batteries
2 x CORE Pro X Nano 98W Batteries
1 x Wooden Camera Abox
1 x Wooden Camera Dbox
1 x Wooden Camera DSMC2 EasyTop
1 x RED DSMC2 LEMO Adaptor Pack
1 x ARRI MMB-2 Matte Box -w/ 15mm Rods
1 x ARRI MMB-2 Follow Focus - w/ 15mm Rods
1 x Wooden Camera Unified Bridgeplate, Shape 12” Dovetail, Bloc 15-15 Studio Adapter