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Dual Credit Programs

Dual Credit

Dual Credit

Olds College is proud to offer a number of dual credit programs through our partnerships with the Community Learning Campus (CLC). Dual credit programs give high school students a head start on their post-secondary education while still earning high school credits. By offering a variety of accessible and rewarding program opportunities, Olds College is helping high school students develop the attitudes and skills they need to improve their employability in Alberta’s dynamic job market.

What is Dual Credit

A high school student who is taking a dual credit course/program is enrolled in both high school and post-secondary at the same time. Students are taking a course or courses that give them high school and post-secondary credits simultaneously, upon successful completion. Olds College dual credit opportunities have included courses and programs in welding, veterinary technical assistant, agriculture equipment technician, meat processing, fashion marketing, and hospitality and tourism.

How To Apply

Olds College dual credit courses are available for students in grade 10 through 12. For more information on current dual credit program offerings, please talk to your school’s guidance counsellor. All high school student inquiries must run through their high school’s key staff contact for dual credit.

Do you need more information?

Industry Training & Continuing Education

Phone: 403.556.4740
Toll-Free: 1.800.661.6537