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Introduction to Cannabis Retail


Introduction to Cannabis Retail is now offered as a series of Microcredentials!

Canada has been given a unique opportunity with the nation-wide legalization of recreational cannabis. The recreational cannabis industry continues to expand to meet the demand. The front-line of this industry is retail specialists. To be effective and maintain mobility, retailers need to be prepared with knowledge of cannabis history, regulation, genetics, plant biology, human physiology, product knowledge and application. These microcredentials will lay the foundations of cannabis knowledge through a research-based approach, ideal for retailers, educators, and others to enhance their theoretical and practical skills in this burgeoning industry.


What are Microcredentials?

A Microcredential is a certification of assessed competencies that is additional, alternate, complementary to, or a component of a formal qualification. They can be achieved through the completion of the training, including assessment, or through the assessment only.

The Microcredentials for Cannabis Retail have been combined into four digital badges to help students gain or verify knowledge in Cannabis retail. Microcredentials are delivered in an online, self-directed format that can be taken individually or together to complete an entire badge. Students who complete all required microcredentials within a predefined area will also receive the badge for that set of competencies. Students who complete all required badges within a course will also receive credit for that course.

Current Cannabis Retail Badge Offerings:

Cannabis Sativa L Badge

What is “Cannabis”? What varieties does it come in? How do the varieties differ, and why? This badge will explore the details of cannabis and its subspecies, including how it interacts with the human body on a physiological and receptor level.

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Cannabis Products

The cannabis plant has led to a plethora of distinct products that have a variety of uses, actions, benefits, and drawbacks. This badge focuses on the major product format and the information required to evaluate the quality and effects.

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Cannabis Use in Canada

This badge explores the history of cannabis through the ancient world, the 20th century and into Canada’s legalization process, including the restrictions, regulations, landmark legal advances, and current landscape that shapes the industry.

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Cannabis and Consumers

Cannabis consumers are as diverse as the plant itself with their individual needs, limitations and ideal outcomes from using cannabis. As specialists and retailers, it is important to provide the proper guidance to ensure safety and success in their experiences. This section will apply previous knowledge and new guidelines to real-world scenarios you will encounter.

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