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Small Plot Crop Research


Crop research, small plot trials or full field investigations, is key to Olds College crop research portfolio. Goals include: developing and testing improvements to agronomic practices and helping agriculture companies do the same; helping producers and agriculture companies enhance yields; and conducting short and long-term grant funded projects. Services include regional variety, fertility, herbicide, fungicide and insecticide trials.

Field and lab studies focus on integrated pest management, soil health, nematode management, crop rotation, nitrogen use efficiency, new crop evaluation, and variety testing programs.

Funders/Partners: ADAMA, Alberta Canola Council, Alberta Innovates, Alberta Pulse Growers Association, Alberta Wheat Commission, Alfalfa Seed Commission, Corteva, FMC, NuSeed, NuFarm, RDAR

Crop research & production on both field & plot scale:

  • Commercial-scale crop production of feed, silage, cash crops & forage production.
  • Small plot crop research on oilseeds, cereals & pulses.

Areas of focus:

  • Develop & test ways to improve agronomic practices.
  • Enhance yields while consuming fewer resources.
  • Transition to a climate-resilient agriculture economy.

Explore Smart Farm Research Articles

Cropping research farm:

  • 3,600 acres - Olds College Smart Farm 
  • Research Fields - 2W & 2E
  • Companies multi-site trials
  • Scientifically-rigorous & statistically valid experiments to address questions