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Pesticide Applicator Tutorials

Prepare for your Agriculture, Industrial, and Landscape exams with expert-led tutorials and hands-on sessions!

Industry experts will help you prepare for your Agriculture, Industrial and Landscape exams in-class and with hands-on sessions! We have several tutorial sessions options available. 

  • Agricultural, Landscape & Industrial Designation Tutorial: February 18 - 21, 2025
  • Authorized Assistant Tutorial (covers the core portion only): February 18, 2025
  • Agricultural, Landscape and Industrial Designations Tutorial (no core): February 19 - 21, 2025

A Pesticide Applicator Certificate is required for:

Anyone applying Schedule 1 or 2 pesticides other than a commercial agriculturalist (farmer);
Anyone applying Schedule 3 pesticides;

  • in a rental dwelling,
  • in the common indoor and outdoor areas of condominiums,
  • in or on the grounds of a school, hospital, nursing home, or daycare facilities,
  • application of pesticides on public lands.

How to become a Certified Pesticide Applicator?

Take the steps needed to become a Certified Pesticide Applicator. Learn how to purchase your home study manual, book a tutorial, how to take your exam and the steps needed to keep your certification once you have earned it. 

Note: The Pesticide Applicator Tutorials are a tutorial for the home study course only and the exam is not included with the price of tuition.  To register for your exam please refer to Lakeland College.

What will you learn?

Agricultural, Landscape & Industrial Designation Tutorial

Dates: February 18 - 21, 2025
Cost: $699 + GST + manual + exam (manual + exam arranged through Lakeland College)
Prerequisites: Familiarity with home study manual
Delivery Method: In-Person

This tutorial is optional and is intended for people who are pursuing their Pesticide Applicator Certification with a designation for Agriculture, Landscape or Industrial applications. The tutorial reinforces understanding of the Pesticide Applicator Certification study material and prepares the student for the applicator exam. The tutorial consists of a series of workshops and hands-on labs.

Agriculture: includes the use of pesticides by ground application for livestock and agricultural crops.

Landscape: includes the use of pesticides (other than fumigants) by ground application for the maintenance of ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers and turf on outdoor residential, commercial (e.g. golf courses and cemeteries) and public land.  This class includes herbicide application to parking lots and roads for control of designated noxious or restricted weeds within urban areas, but does not include herbicide applications for brush control.

Industrial: The designation includes the use of pesticides by ground application for controlling weeds and brush on industrial areas including roadsides, power lines, pipelines, rights of way, easements, railways, petroleum well sites and equipment yards.  This class also includes herbicide application to parking lots and landscaped areas surrounding industrial facilities for the control of designated noxious and restricted weeds.

Authorized Assistant Tutorial (covers the core portion only)

Dates: February 18, 2025
Cost: $229 + GST
Prerequisites: Familiarity with home study manual
Delivery Method: In-Person

Authorized Assistants are able to perform pesticide applications under the supervision of a certified applicator without requiring daily on-site supervision by a certified applicator.  In addition, Authorized Assistants are able to apply pesticides listed in section 5(11) of the Environmental Code of Practice for Pesticides without direct supervision by a certified applicator.

Individuals wanting to become an Authorized Assistant must complete a “core” examination and complete the Authorized Assistant Training Checklist with their supervising certified applicator.

Agricultural, Landscape and Industrial Designations Tutorial (for those that already have their core or another designation)

Dates: February 19 - 21, 2025 
Cost: $599 + GST
Prerequisites: Familiarity with home study manual
Delivery Method: In-Person

This tutorial is optional and is intended for people who have already obtained an “Authorized Assistant” Certificate and are now pursuing their Pesticide Applicator Certification with a designation in Agriculture, Landscape or Industrial Applications. This tutorial reinforces the understanding of the Pesticide Applicator Certification study material and prepares the student for the certification exam. The tutorial consists of a series of workshops and hands-on labs.

More information on each tutorial is listed below. 

Tutorial Details

Agricultural, Landscape & Industrial Designation

This Tutorial Covers:

  • CORE lessons
  • Lesson 201: Insect Biology and Insecticides (not required for Industrial) 
  • Lesson 202: Weed Biology and Herbicides
  • Lesson 203: Biology of Microorganisms, Fungi and Fungicides
  • Lesson 300: Application Equipment
  • Lesson 401: Weed Control
  • Lesson 402: Industrial Vegetation Management 
  • Lesson 501: Pests of Field Crops
  • Lesson 502: Pests of Trees, Shrubs and Turf 
  • Lesson 503: Specialized Agricultural Applications

Delivery: In-Person

Course Length: 4 Days

Credits: CEU credits only available for Authorized Assistant CORE Lesson Tutorial Portion

Required Text & Materials/Pre-requisite:  Purchase and familiarity with home study manual and the lessons pertaining to your designation is required. Purchase Here

Registration Deadline: Workshops/tutorials fill quickly, please register as early as possible 

Exams: Exams are based on the standard for pesticide education, training and certification in Canada and are available by calling 1.866.853.8646. The exams are available online through designated proctor sites located in Olds, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, or Vermilion. Online exams allow for quicker processing of exam results.

Candidates require a grade of 70% or better to qualify for certification. Grades will be provided to the candidate immediately following the online examination. Successful candidates will receive certificates by mail. Commercial Pesticide Applicator certificates are valid for up to 5 years.

Authorized Assistant (covers the CORE portion only)

Delivery: In-Person

Course Length: 1 Day

Credits: Continuing Education Units (CEU) credit available if you want to attend as a previously certified applicator for ALL CLASSES 

  • 2 Regulations
  • 1 Human Health & Safety
  • 1 Labelling
  • 1 Environment
  • 1 Emergency Response

Required Text & Materials/Pre-requisite: Familiarity with home study manualThe CORE Lesson will be covered in this tutorial. Purchase Here

Registration Deadline: Workshops/tutorials fill quickly, please register as early as possible 

Agricultural, Landscape and Industrial Designations (for those that already have their CORE or another designation)

This Tutorial Covers:

  • Lesson 201: Insect Biology and Insecticides 
  • Lesson 202: Weed Biology and Herbicides
  • Lesson 203: Biology of Microorganisms, Fungi and Fungicides
  • Lesson 300: Application Equipment
  • Lesson 401: Weed Control
  • Lesson 402: Industrial Vegetation Management 
  • Lesson 501: Pests of Field Crops
  • Lesson 502: Pests of Trees, Shrubs and Turf 
  • Lesson 503: Specialized Agricultural Applications

Delivery: In-Person

Course Length: 3 Days, though students only need to attend the Lessons that pertain to their specific designation. View which lessons are required for each designation.

Credits: Not eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEU)

Required Text & Materials/Pre-requisite: Familiarity with home study manual. Purchase Here

Registration Deadline: Workshops/tutorials fill quickly, please register as early as possible 

Exams: Exams are based on the standard for pesticide education, training and certification in Canada and are available by calling 1.866.853.8646. The exams are available online through designated proctor sites located in Olds, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, or Vermilion. Online exams allow for quicker processing of exam results.

Candidates require a grade of 70% or better to qualify for certification. Grades will be provided to the candidate immediately following the online examination. Successful candidates will receive certificates by mail. Commercial Pesticide Applicator certificates are valid for up to 5 years.

Do you need more information?

Industry Training & Continuing Education

Phone: 403.556.4740
Toll-Free: 1.800.661.6537

Register Now


Pesticide Applicator Recertification