Agricultural, Landscape & Industrial Designation
This Tutorial Covers:
- CORE lessons
- Lesson 201: Insect Biology and Insecticides (not required for Industrial)
- Lesson 202: Weed Biology and Herbicides
- Lesson 203: Biology of Microorganisms, Fungi and Fungicides
- Lesson 300: Application Equipment
- Lesson 401: Weed Control
- Lesson 402: Industrial Vegetation Management
- Lesson 501: Pests of Field Crops
- Lesson 502: Pests of Trees, Shrubs and Turf
- Lesson 503: Specialized Agricultural Applications
Delivery: In-Person
Course Length: 4 Days
Credits: CEU credits only available for Authorized Assistant CORE Lesson Tutorial Portion
Required Text & Materials/Pre-requisite: Purchase and familiarity with home study manual and the lessons pertaining to your designation is required. Purchase Here
Registration Deadline: Workshops/tutorials fill quickly, please register as early as possible
Exams: Exams are based on the standard for pesticide education, training and certification in Canada and are available by calling 1.866.853.8646. The exams are available online through designated proctor sites located in Olds, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, or Vermilion. Online exams allow for quicker processing of exam results.
Candidates require a grade of 70% or better to qualify for certification. Grades will be provided to the candidate immediately following the online examination. Successful candidates will receive certificates by mail. Commercial Pesticide Applicator certificates are valid for up to 5 years.
Authorized Assistant (covers the CORE portion only)
Delivery: In-Person
Course Length: 1 Day
Credits: Continuing Education Units (CEU) credit available if you want to attend as a previously certified applicator for ALL CLASSES
- 2 Regulations
- 1 Human Health & Safety
- 1 Labelling
- 1 Environment
- 1 Emergency Response
Required Text & Materials/Pre-requisite: Familiarity with home study manual. The CORE Lesson will be covered in this tutorial. Purchase Here
Registration Deadline: Workshops/tutorials fill quickly, please register as early as possible
Agricultural, Landscape and Industrial Designations (for those that already have their CORE or another designation)
This Tutorial Covers:
- Lesson 201: Insect Biology and Insecticides
- Lesson 202: Weed Biology and Herbicides
- Lesson 203: Biology of Microorganisms, Fungi and Fungicides
- Lesson 300: Application Equipment
- Lesson 401: Weed Control
- Lesson 402: Industrial Vegetation Management
- Lesson 501: Pests of Field Crops
- Lesson 502: Pests of Trees, Shrubs and Turf
- Lesson 503: Specialized Agricultural Applications
Delivery: In-Person
Course Length: 3 Days, though students only need to attend the Lessons that pertain to their specific designation. View which lessons are required for each designation.
Credits: Not eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEU)
Required Text & Materials/Pre-requisite: Familiarity with home study manual. Purchase Here
Registration Deadline: Workshops/tutorials fill quickly, please register as early as possible
Exams: Exams are based on the standard for pesticide education, training and certification in Canada and are available by calling 1.866.853.8646. The exams are available online through designated proctor sites located in Olds, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, or Vermilion. Online exams allow for quicker processing of exam results.
Candidates require a grade of 70% or better to qualify for certification. Grades will be provided to the candidate immediately following the online examination. Successful candidates will receive certificates by mail. Commercial Pesticide Applicator certificates are valid for up to 5 years.