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Nursery Crop Production

30 Hours | Online | Term 2 | $555.00

This course covers the principles and practices of the production of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants. Both field and container production are addressed in the commercial business environment. The historical evolution of the prairie industry is discussed as it relates to current crop management.

Required Text & Materials:

  • Canadian Nursery Trades Association. Canadian Nursery Standards. 2006. Free online at
  • So You Want to Start a Nursery, Avent, Tony, Timber Press Inc., 2003. ISBN 9780881925845, Approximate cost: $32.95 + GST

Textbooks can be ordered by contacting Assiniboine Community College Bookstore at 1.800.862.6307 (Ext. 6788) or go and use the course #'s to order

Prerequisites: It is strongly recommended that students will have completed Applied Botany, Soils for Horticulture, Safe Work/Pesticides, Integrated Plant Management, Woody Landscape Plants or obtained consent from your home institute program director.