The Cider Beverage microcredential will give the student a background in Cider-making that will provide them with the skills and background necessary for a career in the cider industry. Production, flavors, quality, finishing and marking and sales are explored.
At the completion of the 5 modules that make up the Cider Beverage microcredential, you will take a final test to assess your mastery of the competencies. Upon successful completion of this test, you will be eligible to receive a DIGITAL BADGE that is powered by This proves your competency in the subject matter to organizations and will help you tell your professional story in a way that is complete and validated.
This microcredential consists of the following 5 modules:
Cider Ethanol Production
Following this module, you will be able to describe the ingredients, processing steps, and equipment that are necessary in cider-making.
Cider Flavors: Ingredients and Flavor Additives
Upon completion of this module, you will learn how to describe cider based on organoleptic attributes and how flavour, aroma, and appearance can be manipulated using different ingredients and adulterants.
Cider Quality
After completing this module you will be able to describe the chemistry associated with cider production in addition to ensuring the necessary elements and processes are in place to make quality cider. The student will also explain Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Cider Finishing
After completion of this module, you will be able to describe the different processing steps that are applied to create ciders with specific attributes that are sought by the consumer. The student will describe different clarification and filtration processes, how to carbonate a cider and package the finished product.
Cider Marketing and Sales
In this module, you will examine the history of cider, its place in the beverage marketplace, and how new cider products are being developed and brought to market.