Your myoldscollege account is where you can view your personal information, timetable, grades, your student account balance, and all fees and payments made as a student in Olds College. You will also be able to access your Tuition Tax Receipt (T2202) from this account.
Once you have been timetabled, the fees associated with the courses you are registered in will show under Account Summary by Term. This is where you will see a complete breakdown of all fees and payments made to your student account balance.
Fees are charged by term, meaning you will only see your fees one month prior to an upcoming term start date.
- It is important that you follow the above steps and do not rely on the balance from the Pay and View your Bill which will only show a balance for the current term, not the full account balance.
Add/dropping courses will affect your student account balance. Students are responsible for keeping their student account balance at zero and ensuring payment has been made before the fee deadline in order to avoid late fees.