Program Dates
Find out when your term start and end dates are, so that you know when you are expected to be in attendance. For more information, please review the Program Dates & Fee Schedule.
Class Registration
You will be registered into your classes automatically. This will happen approximately 1 month prior to the start-date for your program. You will be notified once you have been timetabled into your courses. You will be able to see your class schedule in your My Olds College account. If you need to make any changes to your class registration, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
Technology Recommendation
It is strongly recommended that you come to Olds College with the following technology:
- A device capable of running Microsoft Office, preferably a laptop
As part of your student accounts, all students have access to Office 365 for the duration of their time with Olds College. To access this you just need to follow these steps:
- Go to
- Enter your Olds College email address and password
- Once logged in, there is a button on the right that says “Install Office Apps”
This will give you access to the full Office suite on your computer, for both Windows and Mac based platforms.
Materials & Supplies:
The materials on our tool kit list are to be purchased before starting the program in September. There are several local businesses in Olds that supply the requirements. Please adhere to the maximum tool box size listed on the tool list. (Don't bring a tool box that is larger than this)
View the Tool List
You will be required to purchase "tool chips" at a cost of $50. These tool chips allow you to use specialized tools out of the tool room and also include the cost of shop towels and supplies that will be used in the lab classes. At the end of the year, $20 will be refunded if you return all of your tool chips.
Information on other required textbooks and any further supplies will be provided as you attend each class. All books and supplies will be available during the first few weeks of classes in the College Campus Store.
Other Important Information:
Safety Regulations: Wearing safety equipment and abiding by industry safety standards is mandatory within our program.
Student Clubs: Ag Mech Club
Apprenticeship ILMs: Our program is accredited with Alberta's Apprenticeship & Industry Training Board (AIT) for the Heavy Equipment Technician and Agricultural Equipment Technician trades, therefore we use the Apprenticeship ILMs (Individual Learning Modules) as our reference material for the Agricultural and Heavy Equipment program. Students will also be required to purchase additional textbooks, which they will be told more about on their first day of classes. These modules and textbooks are available at the Olds College Campus Store at 1.800.661.6537 or 403.556.4630.
AIT Technical Training Exams: Students who meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.3 will be permitted to challenge their technical training exam(s). The exam challenge fee is $150.00 CAD and payable directly to AIT.