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About Us

Transforming agriculture for a better world.

Everything we do at Olds College is done to advance all aspects of the agriculture industry. By transforming the agriculture industry, we will make the world a better place. All of our programs and actions align to our social purpose. It is the why behind everything we do.

Founded in 1913, Olds College has been offering quality hands-on education for over a century. We are a distinct, provincially focused institution that supports the teaching and learning of all Albertans. Through our regular programming, continued education, and online and blended programming, we provide accessible educational opportunities within Alberta and beyond. We are passionate about the Agriculture industry. Through our applied research and integrated learning, we are proud to be Canada’s Smart Agriculture College, specializing in agriculture, horticulture, land and environmental stewardship. We work closely with industry to advance and adapt our programming to ensure our graduates have the skills to succeed.

Mission Statement

Alberta's agriculture community has the talent, knowledge and thought leadership to lead globally. This result will be produced in a manner that demonstrates stewardship and sustainability.

 Fast Facts

2,588 credit learners in 2022-23
Olds College of Agriculture & Technology is ranked within the top 10 research colleges in the country
Our campus covers over 3,600 acres and includes our Smart Farm, botanic gardens & wetlands

36 countries represented by citizenship

Canada, India, Nigeria, Philippines, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Ghana, Mexico, Nepal, Afghanistan, Argentina, Burma, Chile, Colombia, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Dominica, Guinea, Hong Kong, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, South Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Serbia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America Zambia


96% of current students would recommend Olds College of Agriculture & Technology to a friend.

Smart Farm Logo

Smart Farm At Olds College

The Smart Farm is focused on teaching students on how to integrate, manage and leverage ag technology for the enhancement and sustainability of agri-food production.

Smart Farm at Olds College

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